A holistic approach to improving sleep.

photo of a toddler sleeping wearing footie pajamas
photo of a mother holding her sleeping infant
photo of a smiling infant looking at a sleeping child

While improved sleep may be your ultimate goal, a holistic approach to sleep involves looking at the bigger picture. Diet, activity levels, behavior, screens, daily routines, and more can all affect sleep, even in young babies. 

Together, we can come up with a gentle plan that will take into consideration what is biologically normal, your baby’s developmental stage, your family’s dynamics, and your sleep and feeding goals.


Sleep Support Packages

Sleep Chat
phone or video chat, up to 1 hour (no written plan provided)

Sleep Feedback
complete my intake form, send in sleep/activity logs, receive email with feedback and suggestions to implement on your own

Comprehensive Sleep Review
complete my intake form, send in sleep/activity logs, phone call or video chat to discuss sleep strategies, email summary of discussion, implement suggestions on your own

Sleep Tweak
for existing clients only, send in updated logs, receive email feedback, email support check-ins x1 week

Comprehensive Sleep Review + Support
complete intake form, send in sleep/activity logs, phone call or video chat to discuss sleep strategies, email summary of discussion + email support check-ins x2 weeks

Add Text Support
guaranteed response 8am-8pm M-F, responses when available otherwise